PCB editor:Program has encountered a problem and must exit
2024-01-10     loonlog     8033     0
有一天,打开ALLEGRO的PCB editor,突然报错了,再打开Cadence的Capture CIS原理图工具一样报错,奇了怪了,每天都在使用的软件,今天就报错了,重启电脑都没用,具体报错内容如下:
Program has encountered a problem and must exit. The design will be saved as al .SAV file that can be recovered using dbdoctor (if applicable). To resolve problem,il first obtain the latest software update from Cadence and if the problem persistsl contact Cadence Customer Support. In addition to the data Cadence support requests; please provide the MiniDump files found in folder "D:/linshi/ AD8147-231226/AD8147-for-customer/pcb".
网上找答案,很多报错不同之处就是最后面这个路径的关键信息,有的让进行DB Doctor,有的让找到安装路径 “x\Cadence\SPB_Data\pcbenv”下面的所有文件,但都没效果,应该是报错场景不同。
最终看到一个帖子,解决了问题,那就是“有道和PCB冲突”,退出有道词典 就可以了。
Allegro , PCB , 电子电路 , Cadence
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